“O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord (i.e. the Quran), and a healing for that which is in your hearts.” (Quran 10:57)
“And We send down from the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe...” (Quran 17:82)
Good day my lovelies
As promised, I couldnt keep up to it for not writing yesterday, reason being is that I had guests over at my place and the computer had some issues that I had to reformat it. Now its fine. So lets continue shall we...
Lets take a break from fashion tips and get to health tips...and yes, at a very promising budget :)
Trust me, there were times when I had to splurge more 10000 bucks to get my body back in shape, and to think of it, I dont regret it but I felt that i could have been patient and wise. I am trying not to make that mistake again and try the body trimming the hardest way.
I gave birth 8 months ago and having my mom over with me didnt do me much help as she forced me to eat well so i can feed my baby..This just added extra pounds to my weight. I was bloated up.
Now, that the Queen has left, the Princess is ready to shed some weight. I am very weight conscious and me being overweight now really makes me depressed.
So, I started off running at the park near my block and realized that my knees and joints were very weak and wobbly. I had to build up the stamina. Currently am doing crunches, plunges and squats.
I have also reduced my food portions. I dont really think that starving would do any help but only result in doubling the weight that we lost very quickly. I tend to eat everything but of course in a very small portion. I just eat juz a small scoop of rice to get enough carbs to burn that day. Instead of 3 meals I day, I expand it to 5-6 meals a day, with healthy snacks and small portions. Include lots of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Drink lots of water. Its very essential to remain hydrated due to body weight loss. Its faster this way. I make it a point to drink 500ml an hour before every meal and in between intervals. Drink Green Tea to detox the impurities. Its yucky the first time, but once you get used to it, you will love it, trust me.
Firstly, am planning to get some strength on my feet so I can run and do heavy activities. Now, that I have controlled my food intake and have built up self discipline, I am planning to join zumba next month, of course for those who are not willing to spend that few extra bucks, there are lots of zumba/aerobics videos on youtube for free. The point is to sweat it all out. The more you sweat, it increases your metabolic rate, the more you lose weight. But remember to stay hydrated. There are many trainers on youtube that provide useful information, excercises and tips to lose weight.
Once you get a hang of it, and maintain a rhythm with your exercises, either with dumbbells or if you have a gym at home or at the public gym, tone down the loose fabs of fat that needs to be tightened due to weight loss. Weigh yourself every month and measure your body statistics once every month after a shower. Keep a record of your weight loss. Don't lose hope ladies, I know its not easy but I am sure you will be able to do it.
Remember that this weight loss can never be achieved overnight. Keep your head up high and All the best lovelies.
Till next time, Hurdle Up Ladies.
Best Regards
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